Natural Lawn Fertilizer
Safer, healthier, greener lawns
We start your lawn care program by building healthy soil, which in turn builds a healthy root system for your grass to grow. But healthy soil is only the first step. Wisconsin lawns need to stand up to harsh and varied conditions. Lawn maintenance must include fertilizers for both lush grass growth and for pest control.
Pest control includes using biological or chemical treatments only when necessary to prevent lawn damage from pests. We prefer to use biological methods. Biological controls are “living” materials that can attack and limit damaging insects. These are natural forms of treatments that are better for your household and your soil.
Biorational controls are non-living materials, not manmade synthetic chemical pesticides. Biorationals can affect insects by making grass bitter, less desirable so bugs will not ingest it; by interrupting the molting phase, preventing the insects from maturing; outright kill the pests if ingested. An example is using an extract of chrysanthemums, insecticidal soaps derived from fatty acids, and NEEM, an oil that is derived from Indian evergreen trees. These are safer solutions.
We are dedicated to keeping petroleum-based synthetic fertilizer out of the ecosystem if possible. We believe everyone is a steward of the environment, and as such, we are all responsible and accountable to ourselves and future generations. Healthy soils are the first step in helping our environment. By choosing our natural, organic-based lawn care services, you are helping to keep our world a safer, greener, healthier place to live.